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**Shop my shoes from our shoot**

A few days ago we shot with one of my favorites, Denisse (aka THUGNANNY). Denisse is honestly all around amazing.  She is a bomb photographer that is internationally published, foodie, Editor in Chief of Lady Hustle Magazine and such a nice person. I can’t forget to mention that she shot one of my entire looks while holding AnnDrew on her hip lol (see pic below). Now, thats talent. After I finished my first look, I went to go grab my second look I planned to shoot in and realized I left it hanging up on the closet…Ugghhhh WTF! I immediately looked up into the sky and asked WHYYY MEL WHYYY. After our shoot, we were supposed to be meeting my best friend for brunch, so I took the dress I was planning on wearing to brunch and shot in that.  Thank goodness the shoes I had for my original look looked perfect with the brunch dress. I couldn’t believe I did that, but if y’all have been following my blog for a while, you know I am an improve queen LOL. I threw that dress on and kept it moving without breaking into a sweat. Man if I break into sweat, my T -zone and upper lip get moist and I hate it lmao. So, I was all clear!

Fun Fact – Denisse got the name Thugnanny because she was a nanny! AnnDrew must have sensed it because that was her buddy for the day. 😉

Here are a few shots from our shoot. I love them all!!


  1. / 7:25 am

    Denisse is really an amazing photographer, but it helps that her subjects for this shoot are equally amazing! You and AnnDrew are absolutely adorable! I love the ones of you two in the street. <3

    • Mel
      / 9:57 am

      Yes, she is!! Thank you!!! That one is one of my favs too.

  2. / 9:48 am

    Love all the shots lady!!! You and your BabyGirl are both equally amazing. I want to shoot with Denisse one day!!!!

    Thanks for sharing this amazing content with us. Love it all.

    • Mel
      / 9:57 am

      Thank you so much!!! I truly appreciate it.

  3. Jamie
    / 1:28 pm

    OMG these pics are sooo cute! You two are my favs and I love your blog.

    • Mel
      / 1:30 pm

      Thank you!! Much appreciated!!

  4. Matina
    / 1:29 pm

    The one of you laughing is perfect! Of course AnnDrew’s pics are all adorns 😉

    • Mel
      / 1:31 pm

      Yes, I love the laughing one too!! Thank you!!

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