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I know many of us have set New Year Goals in the past and didn’t successfully keep them. Research suggests only about 8% of people who set resolutions actually keep them. A good tip I found works well is to call them goals instead. Maybe it’s just me, but using the word goal sounds better, more inspiring and motivating. Below are 5 simple tips to help achieve those goals:
- Be Specific: Don’t just say you want to lose weight or get in shape. Make a specific goal so you can measure your success throughout the year. Say you will lose 10 pounds or decide to improve your squat max by 50 pounds.
- Write Them Down: It is one thing to say you will do something. It’s another to write it down and see it every day. Handshakes are great, but written contracts make agreements official. Record your goals so you can see them in black and white. Also, keep them in a place where you will see them often. Anywhere you’re bound to see them every day, reminding you to stick to them.
- Use the Power of Social Media: If you have any goals that you don’t mind sharing, post them on social media so your friends and family can hold you accountable. Also, follow your favorite athletes, celebs and people that inspire you to keep yourself motivated.
- Reward Yourself: Give yourself an incentive to keep going on days when you might not want to push yourself. If you have a weight-loss goal, reward yourself with new clothes that fit your new figure. If there is a place you always wanted to go to, arrange a vacation after you complete your goal.
- Focus on one goal at a time: Breaking bigger goals into smaller steps or milestones, you not only allow the brain the opportunity to focus better, you also give yourself the chance to experience small wins along the way. And those small wins can inspire you to keep going.