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We are all used to going out as we please and hanging out with friends and family on the regular. The Coronavirus came in to shut all that down and make us all take a break to refocus and recharge. With more and more people working from home and practicing social distancing it leaves us wondering, “What can I do at home?”

I compiled a list of 16 things you can do from home while social distancing.

PS- if you liked my hair and missed my YouTube Tutorial on how to achieve the curls, I have linked the video below.

Social Distancing Activities:

1.Make fun TikTok videos by yourself or with the kids. My daughter and I have been doing a lot of this lol. Check out my latest TikTok video:

2. Whip out the board games. These may seem primitive to people that grew up on technology, but these are the most fun! Playing card games can also be a good time.

3. Launch that new business you have been putting off. Start that podcast. Work on your current business. Basically, stop procrastinating and get to it now that you have some time.

4. Organize your closets. You can put your winter clothes away, and whip out the spring and summer clothes. If those hangers are twisted all different types of ways, organize them and declutter.

5. Deep clean the house. I am sure there are some parts of your house that may need a bit of extra love.

6. Group FaceTime calls with friends. This is always fun and even better since you can’t go hang out with them like usual.

7. Begin to listen to a new podcast. Find one that interests you or motivates you and add this to your routine.

8. Self Care. This is always a must, but now that you have the time to do it – go for it! Face mask and wine here you come.

9. Netflix and Chill. This is a GIVEN! Make a list of new shows or movies you want to watch.

10. Baking. Make some cupcakes, brownies or maybe even a cake. Indulge a little bit 😉

11. Catch up on some much needed sleep.

12. Get some fresh air. I know some people are beginning to get stir crazy in the house. Go outside for some fresh air or a nice walk. Maybe even walk/run on a trail.

13. Visit a virtual museum online. There are a lot of museums that offer virtual tours. Go visit a new museum you haven’t been to.

14. Finish home projects you have been putting off.

15. Workout/Yoga. Try to use this time to meditate or use yoga to balance yourself and relax. Also, get your workout on.

16. Read. Start that book you’ve been meaning to read. Maybe even start a book club with friends.

I hope you can find some things to do on this list and make the most of your time.


  1. Shante
    / 6:00 pm

    Thanks for these! I’m struggling 😩

    • Mel
      / 6:00 pm

      You’re welcome!! 😉

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