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We just got back from a fabulous trip in Thailand! I’ve been wanting to go for a long time, so I was really excited when the time came. I got a lot of questions regarding the trip and how easy it was to have AnnDrew there and I got the deets for y’all. We went to Thailand for 6 days and that was more than enough time to visit two different places and do a lot of activities. We flew on China Southern, which is affiliated with Delta airlines. They were cheaper than Delta BUT you still get your sky miles points when you fly with them, so that was all that. Points to and from Thailand are real deal points…OKURR!! We had a long layover in China, so we were able to do some stuff there as well. First thing I noticed was that, they are very aggressive over there. I thought people were aggressive in NYC, nahhh they are a whole different animal. If you are in someone’s way, they will push through you. It is just how they are, and it was hard to not get pissed LOL. A few friends of mine told me that they got vaccines before they went, but then a few told me they didn’t. I consulted with my doctor and he said to get vaccines if we were going to be off the beaten path. We were not and I didn’t plan on drinking their water or eating a boatload of street food, so we did not get any vaccines before the trip. I stayed away from tap water, fruit without the skin and ice. Check out our video with clips from our trip!

Shop my looks from the trip

Before I get into anything else, I know the moms want to know what travel stroller we used. Click the photo below to purchase it. I use this for all trips because it folds down easy and is compact. It fits in the overhead bin on the plane as well.


We landed Saturday afternoon, so we used this day to chill and get our lives together after 26 hours of flying. I used AnnDrew’s Bed box, so she was able to sleep on the plane and stretch out comfortably. I made a fort for her with the blankets, which worked out perfectly. I loaded her Bed Box with all of her favorite snacks, juice and water. I saved a few videos in the offline folder on YouTube, so she was still able to watch Johnny Johnny and Bear Hunt lol.


We went on a private tour of the Phi Phi Islands. I booked this in advance, so we didn’t have to worry about making sure we would be able to book it when we got there. I booked this tour through Travel Pirate Tours. I researched a few different companies on Trip Advisor and this one was the best (in my opinion). My point of contact was a guy named Robert who is from Albany! It was great having someone from the US to communicate with because it made things soooo much easier. You can also check them out on instagram, @phiphiislandboattours.

If you wanted another option for tours, you can check out Five Star Thailand Tours. They are a Local, Snorkeling & Private Boat Tour Company. They offer tours on the Phi Phi Islands, Phuket, Koh Yao Yai & Not and Koh Lipe.

On this tour, I was able to customize and let them know which islands we wanted to visit and since I booked a private tour, we were able to stay as long or as short as we wanted at each spot. We went to Monkey Beach, Loh Somah Bay, Phileh Lagoon and Maya Bay.This is a must if you visit Thailand. To get to the destination, we had to take an hour and a half long ferry, then we had to meet our driver. Robert took care of booking everything for us, so everything was smooth. We did a 5 hour tour, so this was a full day excursion.

When we got back, we changed and went to the OTOP Patong night market. There are are dozens of shops and food stands outside. There are bars that blast the music we listen to, so we felt right at home. There are a million massage places all around the city, and I got a hour long leg and foot massage at 11 pm for EIGHT BUCKS! When I say it was amazing…it was ah-mayyyy-zing!



Monday was TIGER Day! I was really looking forward to this because I heard so many things about it. So many people say the tigers are drugged and that is why they do not try and eat the humans. Of course the companies swear the animals are calm because they were raised in captivity. We went to Tiger Kingdom. I was not able to book online, so we made sure we got their once they opened. Either way, I sweat all of my deodorant off once we walked in LOL. Before, we played with the larger tigers, AnnDrew and I went into the small room with the baby tigers. One of the small tigers was completely “sleep” đŸ™‚ the other two were playing. AnnDrew was looking at the sleep one like, whyyyy am I with this one haha.

After she played with the baby tigers, it was our turn to play with the big daddy’s! There was about 4 tigers in one room and 5 workers. All of the tigers were chilling HARD and it was really weird (hence why people say they are drugged). They were directing us on what to do and not to do. It was scary but an overall super cool experience.

When we left Tiger Kingdom, we went to go see the Big Buddha. This is free, but you have to be dressed a certain way. If you are not, it is fine because they provide wraps for for chest and bottoms. At the Big Buddha, you can get blessed by the monks. This is another must do! When we got back, we went to Paradise Beach and relaxed.


Tuesday was the day we visited the elephants. We decided to go to the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary versus going on an elephant ride. I booked this in advance and booked here. I was nervous to do the elephant rides, because I didn’t want the elephants to go crazy on us or get scared and make sudden dangerous moves. The sanctuary seemed safer because they treat the animals nice. When we got there, we listened to a brief history on the sanctuary and the elephants. We then go to feed the elephants, do a mud bath with them (I did NOT get in the mud LOL), and go do one on one pics with them. We then showered and they cooked us a traditional meal. This was a perfect experience. When we got back to the room, we called it an early night because we had an early flight to Bangkok the next day.


9:30AM flight to Bangkok today. Our flight was quick and inexpensive. We booked last minute so the price went up a bit ($87). If we had booked earlier, it would’ve been 40 something dollars. The first thing we did was visit the Temple of the Reclining Buddha – Wat Pho. It cost a couple of bucks for a ticket and you had to dress a certain way to enter here as well. They did not provide scarves. This Buddha was really beautiful and large!! The decoration and detail was amazing. We spent a few hours there and then went to a floating market. If you want to visit Bangkok to see a floating market, make sure you go on a day when they are open. There were only a few open on weekdays, so we had to take a long cab ride to get there. We ended up at the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, which I LOVED! That was so fun!! You ride in a boat and shop at the shops along the water’s edge. We ate local food while over in the area and it was delish! After we left the floating market, we went to Chinatown.

Bangkok is a much different culture than Phuket. It’s wayyyy busier and not as clean. It is still a great place to visit, just a tad bit different.


We decided to use this day as a free day and we ended up exploring different shops and part of the city! I ended back up at my favorite massage spot and we got massages again! When we went to Thailand it was the end of their rainy season and we lucked up with no rain, but Thursday it did rain on and off. We explored the town and saw a lot and had a great day.


We left on Friday, so today was a full chill beach/pool day! We made sure we did everything we wanted to do and made the most of our time while in Thailand, so we were pooped and needed this rest day at the end of the trip. It was the perfect way to end the vacation.


-Our money is worth more than theirs, so it will go a long way. When we first landed, I exchanged $400 USD and was ballin’ LOL! Some places accept USD, while others do not. Make sure you always have some of their currency.

-I kept a bag with me that was big enough to hold an umbrella, baby gear a few misc item but small enough where I wasn’t lugging around a huge bag.

-Try and book activities before hand, so you can have a set itinerary. That way you do not waste time figuring out what to do.



Visit a floating market

Get a Thai Massage

Wat Pho


Grand Palace & Wat Prakeaw

Eat street food

Tri Trang Resort

Vertigo & Moon Bar – 61st floor on the top of the Banyan Tree Hotel


Phi Phi Island Tour

Bangla Road Nightlife

Elephant Sanctuary

Tiger Kingdom

Wat Kalong & Phuket Temples

Phang Nga Bay


  1. Gina
    / 11:42 pm

    Ok that’s it! I need to go to Thailand!

  2. Samantha Downes
    / 11:43 pm


  3. Olivia
    / 3:52 pm

    Mel you are so freakin gorgeous! You don’t have to do much to just break the internet lol but I loved seeing footage from this trip!

    • Mel
      / 11:59 pm

      Awwww thanks so much!!!! xoxo

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