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This past weekend was sooo busy! We had so many things to do everyday from Friday to Monday and I am tiyaaaaad. Not tired, but tiyyaaad! Here is a rundown of the main weekend events, pics, links and outfit deets.
AnnDrew had a casting for Babies R’Us. That was crazy because the venue where the casting was didn’t have AC and it was 90 something degrees outside. We had to wait there for 2 hours, so I was melting and hungry. Not a good mix – HANGRY!
I had an event -MELANIE MARIE X SPIKED SPIN. I partnered with my friend Bri that owns her own cycling business, SPIKED SPIN. We had a sold out class and we definitely got a good workout. I was happy in this class because a few of my friends that I have ben friends with since elementary school came. 🙂
Bri is awesome and if you are in NYC, I recommend trying her class. She has great music and then she does a quick positive meditation at the end, which was great. She keeps the energy at an all time high and will keep you motivated. The music alone will get you in your groove. When Mya- Its all about me came on and we had to slow down the pace of the ride I was loving it. Once that beat dropped everyone was like “I cook ya dinner, I wash ya clothes, baby hell no thats not the way it goessss, its all about meeeee tonighttttt….”. You get the point – poppin! Y’all see how cute my bun looks in these pics? Maannn, by the time class was over my bun was lopsided lol! Signs of a good workout! My NYC ladies, stay tuned for the next one.
OH, and let me not forget to tell y’all…the ceiling in her studio has a bunch of twinkle lights so you feel like you’re in the back of the Bach lol
These are the leggings and sneakers I wore to class. I LOVE these leggings, ok!! They are super soft but they have a GREAT elastic hold. They are comfortable and I wore them two days in a row the day I got them. lol You know how sometimes in between the croch area, little lint balls form when your legs rub together? Not over here with these leggings!! If you read my blog, you know these are my favorite sneakers right now. Super cute and comfy!
We went to a Fashion Mamas mommy and me workout event. I’m a member of Fashion Mamas and they are great because they always have such awesome events taking place from the east coast to the west coast. The class was taught by the company Feel This by Kara Griffin. I couldn’t tell who the teacher was because AnnDrew kept going up front. She was supposed to be in the kids area with the rest of the kids. Hello Sitter was there to look after the kids while the mamas got their workout on. AnnDrew said “nah” and kept coming over to me lol. This chick is my shadow for real for real. It was cute though because she was studying the moves and attempting to do them. I was holding her while I was doing some of the moves. I got extra points for that because sistah girl is not lite!
See what those ladies are doing behind me? Yea, I’m supposed to be doing that lol instead taking pics with my baby.
After the Fashion Mamas event, we were off to Harlem to visit my best friend. Always a good time with Nelly 😉 AnnDrew and her were dancing to her favorite, Bruno Mars, so I know she had a ball. Something about that Bruno Mars I tell ya. The second his beat drops, these kids go into a trance and they just can’t help but to dance! Every kid I know loves Bruno.
For those wondering, here are the deets on our stroller. It is definitely a showstopper. We get stopped every time we take it out. There are a lot of different colors to choose from for the outside leather and the inside cushion. I love the white and our color. I was nervous the white would get dirty fast so we didn’t go that route. Our color just feels so rich, like a luxury car.
After that, we went and got some ice cream with my mom. AnnDrew tried ice cream before, but this was her first time with her own cone. We took all of the ice cream out and only let her take a few bites of the cone and get a few licks. Can’t have my baby getting cavities on her new teeth lol. She tore that ice cream cone up like she never had a meal before! It was a super cute moment.
AnnDrew had a shoot for Children’s Place. This is her second Children’s Place booking…Go AnnDrew! Talk about being booked! The weekend was crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
What brand are your glasses? They are ?
There is the link to one of my other posts. The glasses link is in there ☺️