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When was the last time you did something for the first time? When you ask yourself this question, you can easily begin to start listing some of your firsts off the top of your head.

In no particular order I start listing off my “first times” in my head. There was my first kiss, my first date, my first day of school. The first day at a job, driving a car, swimming in the ocean. The first time I bought a house, etc.

I love to push myself outside of my comfort zone and because of this my comfort zone has grown larger to accommodate these new things. Which is great, but it also means I have to do even bigger, riskier things in order to go outside of it again. Lord knows, I don’t need anymore adventure for the rest of this year lol.

A few days ago, I went on a ski trip with a group of my friends. I have been skiing before and that was easy for me, so I decided to try snowboarding! I’m not even going to lie…. snowboarding is hard as shit at first. lol Ya girl was struggling but after a few times going down, I began to catch on. I fell a lot and my knees were sore for days but I didn’t let it defeat me and I actually enjoyed it. I started going down bigger and bigger slopes until I bust my ass and really hurt my knee LOL. Then I decided that was enough for the day. I will definitely be doing it again.

My point in writing this post is to encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone every once in a while and do something new. You will thank yourself later. Ask yourself, “when was the last time you did something for the first time?”

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